VerraDyne LLC is a privately held company registered in the State of California.

VerraDyne is justly proud of its success record in providing effective migration solutions to companies of all sizes throughout the world, bringing them safely and efficiently from legacy systems to open systems architecture.

Our long list of customers includes enterprises all areas of the private sector, including insurance, financial, healthcare, retail, distribution, manufacturing; and all areas of the public sector, city, county, state and federal.

We have performed hundreds of conversions of legacy systems such as WANG, DEC VAX, DEC ALPHA, HP 3000, IBM MAINFRAME, UNISYS CLEARPATH, IBM AS/400, etc. to pure Open Systems source code, running on a wide variety of UNIX, LINUX and Windows platforms.
All VerraDyne Migration and Modernization projects are initiated by working with each client to establish a project plan tailored to meet their specific individual needs.
